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Sponsorship packages

BSides worldwide couldn’t happen if it weren’t for all the wonderful sponsors making it possible. BSides Reykjavik is no different. We are a non-profit organization run by volunteers. All sponsors donations go towards the expenses of running the conference. Expenses such as hall rental, catering, hosting costs, etc. We are extremely grateful for all donations, whether direct monetary or goods/services. Here are the sponsorship packages we have put together, outlining what you will gain in return for your sponsorship. In the case of non-monetary donation, the retail price of the goods/services determines your level.

For monetary donation transfer into our bank at Landsbanki Íslands
0133-26-008336 Kt: 610223-1330 IBAN: IS57 0133 2600 8336 6102 2313 30 SWIFT (BIC): NBIIISRE

Or use the donation link below for credit card donations.

Reach out to us at for an invoice for your records.

The conference is a fabulous place to meet folks in the cybersecurity industry and learn about their struggles and how you might be able to help them. If you have any questions about the benefit of sponsorship be sure to reach out. Also make sure to take note of our privacy policy.

For goods/services donations or questions, please reach out to us at

Level NameCostBenefitLimitCredit Card Donations
Donorwhatever you canOur silent undying gratitude and well wishes (privately)
Karma points and good vibes proportional to the donation
Bronze50.000 ISKBragging rights
Small logo on the website
Public thanks in social media, introductions and announcements as time permits based on sponsorship level
Silver100.000 ISKBragging rights
Medium logo on the website
Public thanks in social media, introductions and announcements as time permits based on sponsorship level
Can bring one pull-up banners
One table for brochures and swag
Gold200.000 ISKBragging rights
Large logo on the website
Public thanks in social media, introductions and announcements as time permits based on sponsorship level
Can bring two pull-up banners
One table for brochures and swag
Platinum300.000 ISKBragging rights
Extra Large logo on the website
Logo on Badges and Merchandise
Top level priority Public thanks social media, in introductions and announcements
Can bring banners and backgrounds as desired, space permitting
Tables as needed on space available basis for brochures and swag